Day 11

Judah, His Brothers’ Keeper

from the reading plan

Genesis 29:31, Genesis 29:35, Genesis 37:1-5, Genesis 37:14, Genesis 37:18-20, Genesis 37:23-28, Genesis 41:46, Genesis 41:55, Genesis 41:57, Genesis 42:5-14, Genesis 42:20-21, Genesis 43:1-9, Genesis 43:15, Genesis 43:29-31, Genesis 43:33-34, Genesis 44:1-5, Genesis 44:14-34, Genesis 45:4-10, Genesis 49:8-10

Start each day by reading the passages listed above. Then use the summary and reflection provided here to guide discussion around the daily reading.

Judah was the fourth son of Jacob. He proposed that they sell their brother Joseph into slavery rather than killing him, a decision that resulted in Joseph being separated from his family for more than twenty years. When Joseph tested his brothers in Egypt, Judah offered his own life to protect his younger brother Benjamin. The tribe that descended from Judah eventually came to represent the whole of the nation of Israel. 

Consider the details of Judah’s story. What aspects are surprising or unexpected?

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One thought on "Judah, His Brothers’ Keeper"

  1. Mike G says:

    I thought the brothers sold Joseph but the Bible said some Midianites pulled him from the well and sold him to the caravan going to Egypt. Never noticed that before. Could it be the Judah told the Midianites Joseph’s location?

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