Day 17

Jesus’s Glory and Power

from the reading plan

Matthew 17:1-27, Matthew 18:1-35, 1 Kings 8:10-13, 2 Peter 1:16-18

This is one of my favorite passages in Scripture to ponder. As I read, I could almost imagine myself there, on a walk with Jesus, Peter, James, and John. Curious and thoughtful, contemplating the imminent lesson. What’s going to happen? What will I see?

And then, high into this climb, Jesus would be transfigured. His face shining like the sun–His clothes becoming dazzlingly white. I can imagine my gasp for a breath, like I always do when something surprises me, and I can imagine a bigger reaction when Moses and Elijah appeared, the figures of our faith stories becoming suddenly so real! With my jaw dropped and probably a little starstruck, I’d hope to make the most of a moment like this!

Oh, when I read this story, I get chills! In the moment, would I collapse like the disciples? Would I be able to stand up without fear of the glory I just witnessed? I do know I’d be desperate for the touch of Jesus’s hand to give me the reassurance I’d need to go on and make it down the mountain—because eventually, we do have to come down.

So, yes, Peter’s suggestion to build three shelters for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah made me smile. It’s one of the most human things to say, and I can imagine myself thinking the same thing: this moment is holy, “Let me set you up a tent! Stay here; please let’s make this last!”

Then, a sound cutting through the mist, a wonder-filled moment amplified with what I imagine to be the boom of God’s voice, a reminder of who I’m looking at, a compliment and charge from a loving father, regarding his son.

And then I reimagine Peter’s words in 2 Peter 1:16–18. “I wasn’t believing a fairy tale, and I’m not lying to you: we saw the glory of Jesus!” I’m convicted by this because I wonder what would change around us if we could say, like Peter did with confident declaration, that Jesus is who He says He is and does what only He can do.

Today’s reading is a reminder that Jesus, in all His divine glory, is with us. He calls us to listen to Him, to trust Him, and to walk with Him. It’s a call to live a life of faith, obedience, and love, allowing His light to shine through us. All so that we can be consumed by His glory and stand without fear as we represent Him well.

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