Day 12

God, Remember Not Our Sin

from the reading plan

Psalm 25:6-7, Psalm 51:1, Isaiah 43:16-25, Psalm 103:11-12, Hebrews 8:7-12

The other day, I went to the local grocery store and noticed a quiet elderly attendant as we approached the self-checkout. Curiosity sparked when I read her name tag, which said “Ms. Grace.” With a warm greeting, I asked her how she was doing, to which she responded with a simple “I’m okay.” Then she hesitated and asked, “Can I ask you a question?” Intrigued, I replied, “Sure?”

In that moment, serenity radiated from her eyes as she posed a profound question: “If someone is considered damaged goods, do you believe there’s any hope for them?” It struck me as a thought-provoking inquiry to hear while I was busy with bagging groceries. It was evident that this question carried significant meaning for her, conveying a life burdened by past mistakes as she neared the twilight of her days.

It is often easy to believe that as human beings, even as Christians, we are irreparably damaged and destined for a hopeless future in the eyes of the God who created us. However, the Bible presents a different narrative—one that challenges the stories we tell ourselves and the messages our world reinforces.

The Bible introduces us to the “damaged goods” of humanity on a collision course with hope, found only in a God who takes pleasure in redeeming the seemingly unredeemable. How do we know this? In our reading from Psalms today, the psalmist fervently implores, “Remember, LORD, your compassion and your love, for they have existed from antiquity. Do not remember the sins of my youth or my acts of rebellion” (Psalm 25:6–7). This heartfelt plea reflects the sincere request for God’s grace to triumph over our past mistakes. It serves as a reminder that our God is merciful and loving, willing to wipe away the stains of our sins and grant us a fresh start.

In Isaiah 43:16–25, God reminds His people of His past acts of deliverance—leading them out of Egypt and parting the Red Sea. But He declares that He is about to do something even greater! He assures His people that He will not remember their sins and transgressions but will provide a way for redemption and restoration. This reveals the amazing nature of our God’s love, which is not limited by our past; instead, He longs to work a new transformation in our lives, offering hope for a brighter future.

The irony of the grocery store interaction lies in her name: Grace. How often do we find ourselves asking the same question she posed to me, assuming that there is no grace extended to us for our past, present, and even future sins? Yet Jesus came to liberate us from the weight of our sins, failures, shame, and despair. In His hands, our brokenness is transformed into righteousness, security, hope, and a new identity—all enveloped in the mercy, goodness, and grace of God.

So, to answer the question, “If someone is considered damaged goods, do you believe there’s any hope for them?” the resounding answer is “Yes!” When we confess our sins, God willingly gives mercy and forgiveness, bringing us into new covenant relationship with Jesus (Hebrews 8:7–12)—the embodiment of love, sent to redeem all those who consider themselves irredeemable.

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