Day 1

Part 1: The End Is Our Beginning

from the reading plan

Daniel 7:9-14, James 5:7-8, 2 Peter 3:13, Titus 2:11-15, Hebrews 6:19, Hebrews 10:23

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

Because we know how the story turns out, we follow the biblical mandate to live in light of what’s to come. Today’s introductory reading and the following days help us understand how to live with the end in mind, recognizing our place in God’s work of making all things new.

As we begin this new reading plan, take some time to reflect on some of the areas of life that make you long for eternity. How does the hope of eternity shape your everyday life? 

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