By He Reads Truth
Take this day as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Focusing on the second part of verse 4, ask the Holy Spirit for the freedom to mourn and dance in every season of your life.
Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4:
There is an occasion for everything,
and a time for every activity under heaven:
a time to weep and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn and a time to dance
23 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Man seeks for control but ultimately has none.
Thankfulness. A bit more humility.
God appoints everything and it cannot be undone.
God in control leads to the best news. He created a way out of the mess. His name is Jesus.
What can I say? What can I do? But offer this heart, o God, completely to you. Take it all. It’s yours. Holy Spirit, if you will allow it, please grant me the freedom to mourn or dance as events warrant.
God created us to have feelings and to be able to mourn for my families loss but also to have joy because he knows the Lord I just can’t hug him when I want to anymore
God had this book written so we could have a closer relationship with God there is a time and a purpose for everything
So my cousin died on the 11th this monthin a snowmobile accident he ran into a tree and broke his neck he was 31 and I’m 13 but today was his funeral and I am not doing well these words really spoke to me today I just wish I was at the funeral
I already know God is in control so I will keep fighting the good fight and trust in the Lord
I will pray for my family to have peace and sureness
I have a few prayer requests as well my mom has some health issues. And I have been struggling with some temptations of my own with porn videos, it has been a hard 6-7 months and I want it to be over so could you please pray -
Each season in our lives is an important aspect to our spiritual lives as well. Everything has a perfect time.
His word is for every season. Whether it be a sorrowful season, a overflow season, or a lacking season, we are always content with the word and his spirit in our lives.
As humans we experience a lot of seasons physically, emotionally, and spiritually. God sets us up for all hat he’s going to do in us whether it be our dreams or his better plan for us. Humans must learn to go with whatever God is doing in this season and be open to his working in our lives.
I will pray and seek God in this season and have him speak to me and instruct me on the way I should go. I will walk in obedience to his will and be open to him in every way.
God lead me forward. Show me what you’ve been doing in my life and help me to overcome and be strong in my weaknesses. When I’m afraid be my bravery. When my heart is in pain be my healing. Lord you are in control and I love to worship you. Help me to walk and grow in every season you lead me to. Amen.
Jill: It’s normal to go through the emotions of sorrow.
Bryan: Man is easily persuaded… we have to guard our heart and mind from the enemy trying to put us in a spirit of sorrow that God doesn’t want us to stay in and we need to cast it off of us on to Him and keep moving forward.
Jill: He is with us in every season. Mourning is going to be a season that you are in and you have to go through it to get to your time of rejoicing.
Bryan: It’s ok to have that time of mourning, but you have to listen for God to tell you when that time and season for mourning is over and it’s time to step into your season of rejoicing.
I will accept that life sucks and only way to enjoy it is through trusting only in God.
He’s built to feel. Should expect good times and bad.
You may think today was the best day of your life but when the present shifts to the past it could quite well have been your worst as you learn about the things that happened as you lived in your bubble of joy.
That he expects us to have emotions and for them to sometimes conflict simultaneously.
That it warns of these days of joy and sadness. It knows they are coming and to dive deep to protect yourself.
With a heart of thanks for today if it’s good, but also with a mind that if it eventually becomes a bad day in my past to remind me of the happiness I had at that time.
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