Day 14

Weekly Truth

from the reading plan

Psalm 77:14

Memorizing Scripture is a way to carry God’s Word with you wherever you go, keeping God-breathed instruction, reproof, and truth in your heart and mind each day.

As we study the miracles of Jesus, we remember that He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament, displaying His divinity in mighty and merciful ways.

You are the God who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples.
– Psalm 77:14 NASB

Write this passage down, keep it in your wallet, post it on your mirror or at your desk — anywhere you will see it often. Save the image below as a lock screen on your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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One thought on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Billy B says:

    I’ve never seen a “miracle” like the works of Jesus and the apostles in the scriptures. It’s confusing when reading accounts of his miracles and all the wonders that took place in the Old Testament. I can relate to the doubting Israelites in the prophets, especially those from generations who’d never seen a “sign” like their forefathers.

    It’s comforting to know we worship the same God of miracles even though life can feel mundane. He’s still the God of wonders. I really pray I can be ever more convinced of his strength without seeing the supernatural. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” and whatnot.

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