By Russ Ramsey
It is the feeling that comes over a child in the days leading up to Christmas, as presents begin to find their place under the tree. Or the thrill in the woman’s heart when she knows he has bought the ring but hasn’t yet proposed. Anticipation.
You know the feeling, right? It seems like an almost disproportionate desire for the thing you actually want. It’s the feeling when a longing outpaces the value of the thing you desire, and yet, the desire remains and sometimes even grows. Why does this happen?
Today’s text from the Song of Songs is filled with a longing for something to happen—for the lover and the beloved to finally be together. She hears his voice over the distant hills, but cannot see him. She wants him to run, to hurry. The setting is perfect: the winter is past, the rains are gone, and the flowers are opening. It is the perfect spring day and romance is in the air.
Finally, he arrives. He tells her to stand up so they can explore the countryside together. It is like something out of a musical—a young man and a young woman dancing and singing across the fields in bloom. They are in love.
But in the midst of their joyous union, they eventually turn to the hard realities of life. This world can be a tough place. They talk about how as they dance, they need to also take time to chase away the foxes that ruin their vineyards (2:10). They talk about how the shadows will come and the day will grow dark. This is the reality of the life they know.
They want their day of romance in the spring meadow to be a dance that will last forever, but it won’t. And yet, the longing is there—and that longing came from someplace. So it is with us. We all have insatiable longings for a perfect love that goes on and on and on without interruption, and that desire comes from someplace. Where?
C.S. Lewis wrote, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” The Apostle Paul said it like this: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).
Because of the finished work of Christ, the day will come when we will dance freely without having to keep one eye on the foxes. But for now we can rest in this: our longings often feel disproportionate to the thing we desire because that thing we desire is only a foretaste of what we really want most—to have all we need, at peace with our Maker and at rest in our eternal home.
Written By Russ Ramsey
6 thoughts on "Invitation to Enjoy a Spring Day"
Do we long to have the time with Christ as the two lovers do long for each other in this passage?Physical:
Am I as excited about being with my wife, family, and friends as this passage speaks?Does there seem to be something else in life that I keep longing for no matter what I try to do. If so why don’t I spend that time in the Word & Prayer with God…why do our minds always turn to something else?
I also, think that maybe this passage is teaching us simply about marriage as well, that no matter how good things seem to be going along that there is the enemy or the things of the world(the foxes)out there that we need to make sure we have put up defenses in place to not allow them to enter.
God, I have to accept I can’t have all of my ME time and desires satisfied then pursue my wife. I can’t have it both ways. I have to acknowledge that porn, video games, even talking about myself can derail any opportunities I have to woo my bride.
Most may equate this specific devotional to marriage, but I strongly feel that if you’re going to pursue a godly relationship, then this applies to you as well. It really never dawned on me WHY we feel the need to satisfy our desire for everlasting love and happiness – never really put that much thought into it. But after reading this passage, it makes sense that we desire such a love because we are created in the image of God, and God is love. Remembering this concept helps to be not only a constant reminder of who we belong to, but where we should be headed. Nouns that don’t belong in our “Everlasting Love” shopping cart should be left on the shelf, no matter how appetizing it may seem.
This is not where we are meant to be forever. These desires come from the lord, and will only. E satisfied in heaven. We are not meant to be here forever! This is so temporary, so why not chase the lord in everything now?
Woah, that’s haven’t. He she really been waiting like that? Is Christ really waiting f like that?
Am I waiting like that for heaven? Am I ready for His call?
Am I watchful for the foxes of life?
Do I need to fend them off, or will the Holy Spirit take care of them? -
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