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Advent 2022: Joy of Every Longing Heart

A 35 Day Reading Plan
Plan Overview

“Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free.” These words from a beloved hymn capture the heart of Advent: longing, waiting, expectation. From the very beginning, Scripture builds our anticipation of our Savior—God Himself—who would dwell among His people and set them free from sin and death. In this five-week Advent experience we will celebrate Jesus’s first coming as the baby born in Bethlehem and anticipate His second as the glorious King over all.

Day 36

The Second Sunday of Christmastide

Day 35

Grace Day

Day 34

By Thine All Sufficient Merit, Raise Us to Thy Glorious Throne Day 34

Day 33

By Thine All Sufficient Merit, Raise Us to Thy Glorious Throne Day 33

Day 32

By Thine Own Eternal Spirit Rule in Our Hearts Alone Day 32

Day 31

Now Thy Gracious Kingdom Bring Day 31

Day 30

Born to Reign in Us Forever Day 30

Day 29

Christmas Day

Day 28

Christmas Eve

Day 27

Born Thy People to Deliver Day 27

Day 26

Born Thy People to Deliver Day 26

Day 25

Born Thy People to Deliver Day 25

Day 24

Born Thy People to Deliver Day 24

Day 23

Born Thy People to Deliver Day 23

Day 22

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Day 21

Grace Day

Day 20

Joy of Ev'ry Longing Heart Day 20

Day 19

Dear Desire of Ev'ry Nation Day 19

Day 18

Dear Desire of Ev'ry Nation Day 18

Day 17

Hope of All the Earth Thou Art Day 17

Day 16

Israel's Strength and Consolation Day 16

Day 15

The Third Sunday of Advent

Day 14

Grace Day

Day 13

Israel's Strength and Consolation Day 13

Day 12

Let Us Find Our Rest in Thee Day 12

Day 11

From Our Fears and Sins Release Us Day 11

Day 10

From Our Fears and Sins Release Us Day 10

Day 9

From Our Fears and Sins Release Us Day 9

Day 8

The Second Sunday of Advent

Day 7

Grace Day

Day 6

Born to Set Thy People Free Day 6

Day 5

Born to Set Thy People Free Day 5

Day 4

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Day 4

Day 3

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Day 3

Day 2

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Day 2

Day 1

The First Sunday of Advent