Day 15

I Will Come Again

from the reading plan

John 14:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:20-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Hebrews 9:27-28, Hebrews 10:35-39, Revelation 22:20

After you finish reading today’s Scriptures, come back and read the essay here to dig deeper into the ways we see this specific promise at work in our day’s reading. Then join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect on and discuss what you’re learning!

The disciples likely had many questions as Jesus prepared them for His imminent departure, and He knew they would not understand all that was soon to take place. So His clear and comforting promise of return was essential: He would indeed come again. In the days following, His disciples remembered this promise as they contemplated all that had taken place during His crucifixion. Despite leaving them physically, He was going to prepare a place for them—one that would be an eternal dwelling once Jesus returned.

All believers on this side of the resurrection and ascension can also take heart that Christ will come again. Because He rose, we will be raised with Him for eternity. Jesus’s promise that He will come again points to a future reality, but it also encourages us in the present (1Th 4:18). As members of the kingdom that is both now and not yet, we await His return with sure, steady hope.

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