Day 8

Lost and Found

from the reading plan

Luke 15:1-32

In this study of the Parables of Jesus, we are reading many of the stories Jesus used to teach hearers about how to live as His followers. Each day we’ll read parables in their immediate context, focusing on a different category of parables each week. Then we will work through a series of questions to understand the meaning of the text and take to heart the “secrets of the kingdom.”


Week 2: Parables about Repentance and Grace

Stories about other people often reveal things to us about ourselves. This week’s selection of parables all deal with themes of repentance and grace, and in them we see that Jesus meant for His parables to stir the hearts of His hearers. As you read, let these parables serve as a kind of mirror, and ask what Jesus is showing you that you might not have otherwise seen. Use the questions below to help.



1. In the parable of the lost son, what are the younger son’s problems? What does he fail to see? In what ways is the older son also lost?

2. What is the outcome of the story for the younger son? For the older son? What is the father’s role in this story?

3. What is the central point of this parable?

4. What is your response to this parable?

Post Comments (6)

6 thoughts on "Lost and Found"

  1. Bryce says:

    1. The younger son wants to take his inheritance of his father’s estate and go live the life of luxury. He fails to see how good his life is living with his father. The other son is also lost as he gets jealous of the rejoicing the father did when the younger son comes back home after squandering away his inheritance.

    2. The younger son comes back to his fathers house, repents to him, and his father welcomes him back with open arms. The older son continues to work hard for his father. Then he is jealous of how his father welcomes back the younger son and refuses to celebrate with them. The father’s role in this story is that he is the forgiver. He gives the younger son his inheritance and after the son squanders it away, he forgives him.

    3. God will forgive you if all your sins. Repents of you sins to Him and He will welcome you home with open arms.

    4. Lord, I am a sinner. I will always be a sinner as much as I try to follow what You have commanded me. Forgive me Lord of all my sins. Helps keep me on the path You have set out for me Lord. I love you Lord and thank you for Your grace and forgiveness! Amen.

  2. Ryan Schulze says:

    1. In the parable of the lost son, what are the younger son’s problems? What does he fail to see? In what ways is the older son also lost?
    He fails to be content in the situation in which his father has him. He sees greener grass in his future and wants it now. He fails to see what really matters in life, family, security, love, a home. The older son plays the comparison game. He sees what the younger brother received in spite of his actions and feels he is entitled to receive something in equal magnitude with the righteousness of his actions. But it is by grace that the older son is able to live and live well in his father’s house already. The celebration his brother eddies was grace, underserved, just as his own portion was grace, undeserved.

    2. What is the outcome of the story for the younger son? For the older son? What is the father’s role in this story?
    The younger son is forgiven and brought Home lavishly. He is rejoiced over by his father. He is made alive again.
    The older son receives bitterness, jealousy. You are left to wonder if the older son is not tempted to leave in the same way the younger son did.

    3. What is the central point of this parable?
    God’s redeeming love for us is undeserved, it is grace. Even when we feel like we have walked with him all our lives, righteously, the invitation to walk in the first place was grace, the sustenance we receive along the way is grace, and the destination where we are headed is grace. God does not owe us anything, but gives us everything.

    4. What is your response to this parable?
    Are my actions in accordance with this grace from God? Do I live as if I am a man brought from death to life, not by my own doing, but by the goodwill, favor, and forgiveness of the father? Will I choose to live joyfully and thankfully in my father’s house for all the days of my life or will I long for what I think is greener pastures?

  3. Trey says:

    The central theme of all three of the parables in Luke 15 is that Jesus loves sinners and His desire is for them to turn to Him and be with him.
    The younger son obviously thought he had a better shot at a “happy life” on his own, away from his father. It didn’t take him long to find out that without the father, he was incapable of even having his basic needs met; his life quickly turned into a disaster. It took a disaster in his life (like so many of us) to realize how badly he needed the father and how good he had it in the father’s presence.
    I actually relate more to the older son than the younger. I have very little rebellious events in my life but my self righteousness and legalism is just as sinful as the younger brother’s life.
    Often the Father has to remind me that without Him in my life, I would be in no better of a situation than any of the prodigal sons out there. We should all celebrate when a lost son comes home, no matter how much baggage he is bringing with him.

  4. Kevin says:

    Day 8: 1. The younger son ran away, was deceitful and lustful. He turned from his father. The older son doesn’t show appreciation nor recognition for his brother seeing the light and returning. He is selfish.

    2. The younger brother gets a party thrown for him. One that would have been the most wild parties of the year. The olders heart turns cold and nearly gets to the point of being lost. I think the father would grow him a party if he came back to him.

    3. We may be lost, but when we come back and repent, there is a freaking rager going on in heaven. I get chills thinking about the roaring and praise that happens in that time. Someday I’m gonna be a part of that and be screaming at the top of my lungs.

    4. Luke 15:10 Just so I tell you, there is joy among the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Gah! I love it. What a party.

    1. Tim Bowditch says:

      Kevin, the party in heaven is going to be amazing—and that is the most beautiful thing about the gospel of grace, it is for everyone! We will find the most “unlikely” people there, and praise God all the more.

  5. Tim Bowditch says:

    This may be the most famous parable, and for good reason, but not until I read Tim Keller’s “Prodigal God” did I realize how truly well this story displays the Father’s lavish love for us.

    He is still working on my heart to show me how much he loves and cares for me. He reminds me that I cannot work his fields for 10 lifetimes and earn what he has already laid aside for me as an inheritance.

    There was a time 3 years ago when my debt that I had accumulated while trying to get a new business off the ground had gotten so large I couldn’t see any hope for a turnaround— my Dad paid off the entire debt… and I can’t make this up, but I returned to my hometown after being thousands of miles away, reminding me that I am a sinner saved by grace.

    Like the prodigal son, I learned I have a prodigal Father in heaven who does not hold back from his generosity, even when I am undeserving—Praise Jesus!

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