Day 7

Weekly Truth

from the reading plan

Psalm 148:1

Memorizing Scripture is a way to carry God’s Word with you wherever you go, keeping God-breathed instruction, reproof, and truth in your heart and mind each day. This week, we’re memorizing a verse about God’s command to walk in love:

Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise Him in the heights.
—Psalm 148:1

Write this verse down, keep it in your wallet, post it on your mirror or at your desk — anywhere you will see it often. Save the image below as a lock screen on your phone so you can read the verse throughout the day.

Post Comments (7)

7 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Dillon Davis says:

    Hallelujahs abound. From every corner of the earth. Everyone everywhere should praise God. Heights, Depths, heavens, earths-all of us. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all peoples here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Worthy of praise even when we don’t feel like it. Worthy of praise even when we can’t feel or hear Him. God is worthy of praise. Our feelings do not dictate the Truth nor how we should respond to said Truth. Praise God. Joy cannot be far behind.

  2. Radell says:

    I need to stop in the midst of my day and simply praise the Lord and be grateful for his grace, mercy, and blessings he bestows on my family, friends, and I. I need to spend more time in the gratitude line than in the complaint line.

  3. David Williams says:

    This verse really hits me. When I sit and think about just how high our God is, I start to remember just how much He deserves our praise. Sometimes I get lost in the normalcy of life, and forget how awesome and holy God is. When I read verses like this I remember that I should always praise His name.

  4. Tony Clay says:

    God be praised!

    He’s worthy of our affection and adoration. Praise him in the highest and in the lowest, for he has shown favor towards us!

    Psalms 148:1

  5. Philip Seris says:

    I am thinking of what I have to praise God for and wondering how these thoughts do not monopolize my prayers – God is and always has been good! Hallelujah!!!

  6. Dustin says:

    Lord, I will praise You. You are my rock and my foundation; my truth and my hope. May Your praises be on my lips and in my heart. May Your truth and love permeate my existence and all that I do. I worship You alone, Father.

  7. Tony Simonelli says:

    God, I will praise you no matter what. Not because I want something out of it, but because you are worthy.

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