Day 16

Judgment Against the Nations

from the reading plan

Isaiah 21:1-17, Isaiah 22:1-25, 1 Corinthians 15:54, 1 Peter 2:6

Have you ever heard the term “hangry”? It’s a combination of “hungry” and “angry”—it describes how we feel grumpy when there’s a lack of food in our bodies. Hunger doesn’t affect everyone the same way. Some can go without eating for a long time and seem fine. Others need to eat all the time because when they get hungry, they might turn into the rudest people you’ll ever meet.

Today’s passage from Isaiah shows a people who are desperate—hangry, if you will—for salvation. They are angry at their oppressors, and hungry for God to judge evil and heal what’s broken. With every cell of who we are, we groan for the broken things to be made right. The gospel of Jesus Christ assures us this redemption will happen. The gospel is not just news; it is truly good news because it is a promise given not only in words, but also in Christ’s work on the cross. The God of the cosmos promises that He has started the process of the restoration that all creation groans for.

The darkest day in all of creation was the day Jesus was brutally murdered after an unjust trial and imprisonment. Jesus, as our Great High Priest, can and does sympathize with our pain. He was cut off from the land of the living so His sheep could be connected to God eternally. And as Lord over all things, Jesus will once more return to make all things right.

By transferring trust from ourselves to Jesus, we can rest assured that though the pain and suffering of this world may be as dark as night, the Light of the World, Jesus, will dispatch all darkness and, as our Good Physician, cure all pain and suffering.

The gospel tells us that the suffering of Jesus was the worst and best day in human history, because the children of God can now look to His cross as a reminder of the perfect love and justice of God. Jesus was vindicated from injustice in His resurrection. In this truth, we can indeed find rest and comfort in this broken world, trusting that this, too, will be made right.

Written by Jevon Washington

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