Day 3

To Live Is Christ

from the reading plan

Philippians 1:12-26, John 6:60-69, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Scripture Reading: Philippians 1:12-26, John 6:60-69, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

It is commonly thought that to become a master at a subject or activity, it will require about ten thousand hours of work and practice. Professional athletes, scientists at the top of their field, award-winning actors, and others will all tell you that their craft was the singular focus of their lives for long periods of time.

Paul had a similar dedication, except his singular goal and passion was not an activity, but a person: Jesus Christ. Throughout the New Testament it is abundantly clear that after his experience on the road to Damascus, Paul’s life was consumed by the pursuit of knowing and walking with Christ. And even now in this letter, as he sat in prison awaiting a trial that would determine whether he lived or died, Paul’s thoughts were still anchored in his Redeemer.

Paul summed up the vision statement for his life in verse 20: “My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all courage, Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.” His greatest desire was to be with Christ, whether through his work as an apostle or through his death.

Paul’s display of faith is a perfect reminder that life with Christ is promised to both the living and the dead. So often we think of being with Jesus as a phase of life that begins when we pass from the earth. But Paul demonstrated a very different belief because the Lord is present with us now as we go about our daily lives.

If our Lord is present with us now, how do we experience Him? Some of my favorite memories with my father are the summer mornings we would be in his studio painting together. My father is an artist, and there was something about joining him in his work that highlighted our bond and love. So it is with Jesus. When we join Him in His work in the world, we readily experience the intimacy of His presence in our lives. I think this is what Paul meant when he said, “To live is Christ” (Philippians 1:21).

The invitation is always there for us to come alongside the Savior and work the fields, bearing fruit for the sake of the gospel. As we do, as we join Him, the reality of His presence on earth is made clear to us. And oh, what a joyful life that is.

Written by Collin Ross

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