By He Reads Truth
After you finish reading today’s Scriptures, come back and read the essay here to dig deeper into the ways we see this specific promise at work in our day’s reading. Then join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect on and discuss what you’re learning!
Jesus promised His followers everlasting life (more on that on Day 18!), but the hope of the Christian life is so much more than that. He also spoke of a new life that starts right here and now, what John 10:10 describes as abundant life. It is abundant because it is the kind of life only God can provide—characterized by full freedom for the oppressed, healing for the brokenhearted, and joy for all who trust in Him (Is 61:1, 7).
How do we experience this abundant life? By abiding in Christ and allowing Him to grow in us the fruit of His Spirit (Jn 15:5), by drawing near and allowing Him to cleanse us of sin (Heb 10:22), and by living out Christ’s love and goodness in our actions and encouragements with each other (Heb 10:23–24).
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