Day 19

Jacob’s Departure

from the reading plan

Genesis 27:1-46, Genesis 28:1-22, Psalm 121:5-8

Scripture Reading: Genesis 27:1-46, Genesis 28:1-22, Psalm 121:5-8

When each of our three kids left for college for the first time, they did not make the trip alone. It was always a family affair. We went with them. We unpacked the cars and unloaded the boxes. We helped set up the dorm rooms and took them out to dinner so they could delay eating in the cafeteria just a little bit longer.

But inevitably, the day came when they each had to make that trip on their own. Every time they did, the ritual was the same. We exchanged hugs and “I love you.” We told them to be careful and to let us know when they arrived. Then, we prayed as they pulled out of the driveway.

If you’ve ever watched a child drive away, you know the feeling. As a parent, it can be tough to say goodbye.

I wonder about Jacob’s departure in Genesis 27–28. Obviously, his farewell was pretty complicated. Earlier, he had convinced his brother, Esau, to sell his birthright for a bowl of stew. Later, he schemed with his mom to trick his dad and steal the family blessing from Esau. As a result, Jacob was leaving home to avoid the homicidal threats of his cheated twin.

But even though this journey wouldn’t be a family affair, Jacob had something going for him that he didn’t realize.

God had a plan for his life. Along the side of that road, Jacob encountered God. The loner discovered that he wasn’t really alone. Instead, the Lord promised to stick with him each step of the way—no matter how many twists and turns he faced (Genesis 28:15).

Among His other amazing abilities, God has the power to look beyond who we are and what we’re doing in the moment. He sees past our hot mess to the people we’ll become. From His perspective, Jacob’s departure—or escape—was just the next step on a path that would change his life and fulfill the Lord’s covenant with Abraham’s family. It would take years for Jacob to completely understand, but God’s providence and His sovereign work behind the scenes would make all the difference.

I’m guessing that we’re all walking unique journeys in our lives, but I’m also convinced that none of us are really walking alone. Whether we’re on the brink of a storm, in the middle of a storm, or leaving a storm, God is with us, just as He was with Jacob. Whether it’s a family struggle, a situation at work, a strained friendship, a health situation, or a personal nightmare, the same God who promised to stand with Jacob promises to stand with us.

The psalmist talked about God’s protection, about how He guides our steps and protects our lives (Psalm 121:5-8). Even when we’re running as fast as we can, He’s got our backs and is leading us on the path toward becoming the people He created us to be.

We have His promise. We just have to trust Him.

Written by Bob Bunn

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