By He Reads Truth
Writing out our stories can be a scary thing to do. When we write our personal narratives, in many ways they declare who we are, reveal what’s inside our heads, and open us up for the rest of the world to see. We might second guess every word choice or adjust details to soften the rougher edges.
But Genesis is another story. It is the story—our story. The beginning of all beginnings, this book is the true history of who we are and where we came from. As the first book of the Bible, it is the debut of God’s character, His creation and compassion, and His covenant with humanity. And though, yes, we humans dove headlong into sin upon our first entrance onto the stage, our faithful, holy, and steadfast Creator remains true. God is the author and star of this story, and still He has invited us into it.
The book of Genesis presents hard truths about human nature and the fallen world we live in, but it is ultimately a book of hope. God created each one of us to bear His image, and He has not changed His mind. Fear and fallenness plague us here on earth, but God will one day bring us home to the perfect peace of His presence. Even death itself will die, and we will get the fresh start we’ve always longed for—the perfect new beginning, free from fear.
As we read Genesis, we’ll watch as God spoke light into being and made humanity out of dust. We will see how He formed the nation of Israel in the womb of a barren Sarah and promised to make them His people. And we will find ourselves in the stories, children of God whom He has loved and pursued since the beginning.
We pray that this reading plan brings you to a deeper knowledge of the God who made you and a deeper longing for His presence. He alone knows the end from the beginning, and we can rest in Him.
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