Day 38

Paul’s Sufferings for Christ

from the reading plan

2 Corinthians 11:1-33, John 15:18-25, Romans 8:18-25

In an age that is indifferent to truth, the virtues of righteousness, purity, faithfulness, and holiness cause folks to squirm. It’s much easier to accept the call to holiness as a private pursuit or, to really water things down, a personal preference. Why? Because being set apart as the pure bride for Christ means we must lay aside our own selves. We must die to self.

When Paul confronted the Corinthians, he was loath to talk about what made him impressive and his own credentials. He told them, “If boasting is necessary, I will boast about my weaknesses” (2Corinthians 11:30). Yet it is this “foolishness,” this kind of boasting, that serves to reveal the true nature of the gospel.

The world always sees the wisdom of God as foolishness and the strength of God as weakness. Yet when Christ washed His disciples’ feet, this was true success. Christ’s silence before His accusers was a victory. When He remained on the cross as the crowd jeered, “He saved others, but he cannot save himself!” (Matthew 27:42), this was a triumph. Christ did not come into the world so that we could be like the world but that we might be set apart from it and made to be more like Him.

But the lure of strength is strong, both for the Corinthians and for us. It often enters into our lives, not through an active rebellion, but through choosing our own way, through a passive concession to lies. Like Eve, we are prone to give the serpent the benefit of the doubt. We like to have our ears tickled. We hear him out, consider his boastful appeal, making sure not to offend. We exchange weakness for strength.

We live in a world full of boasting and false teachers who proclaim false gospels—of prosperity, of self-worship, of self-righteousness, of permissiveness—but who fail to proclaim the Christ who came to make His bride holy.

Given that we are so much like the Corinthians, I am provoked to examine myself. “For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
Is my own heart devoted to Christ? Or do I make concessions to sin in my mind, my heart, my life? Do I sit idle while the serpent of Genesis tickles my ears and strokes my pride? I have plenty of my own boasting and foolishness that I must yield to Christ. But I greatly rejoice at this opportunity, for He has purchased me by His blood and is preparing me for Himself. In Him alone is my joy complete.

We rejoice, therefore, in the service of Christ. We boast in our weakness, and we preach but one gospel: Christ, and Him crucified.

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