Day 4

The Nazirite Vow

from the reading plan

Numbers 6:1-27, Luke 1:5-17, 2 Timothy 2:21-22

I remember the first time I was set apart for something. I was six years old in the kitchen helping my grandmother. I stood on a stool, and she asked me to help her wash some potatoes. She provided clear instructions on how to scrub and clean the potatoes properly. I was excited that she had given me a task for dinner. I took the responsibility seriously, and as I reflect on it, I realize my deep love for my grandmother was the driving force behind my dedication. I admired and respected her, and being set apart for a task by her made me ecstatic.

Reading through Numbers 6, I can’t help but be transported back to my grandmother’s kitchen, with the scents, sights, and sounds of the moment she “consecrated” me to help her prepare dinner. It’s similar to what Moses instructs the people of God about the Nazarite vow.

While reading about the Lord’s instructions to the people, a recurring question came to mind: “Why did they need to abstain from grapes and wine, avoid cutting their hair, or stay away from the dead?” But as this question arose, I noticed a repetition related to the instruction. The text emphasizes “consecrate himself to the LORD” repeatedly within the chapter. The focus wasn’t on the instruction or the specific task at hand for those being set apart or consecrated, but on the Lord, the One who called them into the land to be a holy people, set apart for His name and purposes.

So I began to think about my six-year-old self, consecrated for the task of preparing potatoes with my grandmother. Was I enamored with the tasks she assigned? Not really. I never thought about what I was giving up (TV, toys, mischief) or why she had set me apart for this task. I willingly and joyfully entered the kitchen, stood on the stool to be with my grandmother, and during my task found that the most important thing was to honor, love, and participate with my grandmother. When we consider our consecration to the Lord, do we focus on what we are sacrificing or missing out on, or do we think about what we gain?

If we are in Christ today, we have been set apart for honorable use by Jesus. We are considered holy before the Lord and prepared for every good work. We can approach God with a childlike heart, joyfully consecrating ourselves to Him. While He may not ask us to make specific sacrifices like cutting our hair, abstaining from wine, avoiding contact with the dead, or even peeling and washing potatoes, He has consecrated us for whatever holy tasks He has for us in our daily lives.

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