By Bryan Hill
This story of redemption is one for the ages. Throughout the pages of Scripture, we can see how God sought to redeem His people time after time. The picture that we get through the character and nature of Boaz beautifully illuminates the very character and nature of God. The kindness of the Lord is one of these qualities because it is in His very nature to show kindness to those who call upon His name. Kindness is evident in the story of Ruth, from the moment her daughters-in-law show Naomi kindness to the moment Boaz bestowed kindness upon Ruth and her family.
Boaz is mentioned as the “redeemer” of the family because God positioned him in a place that allowed him to save his family from losing everything. It was true kindness and favor shown through him from the Lord that arranged Naomi and Ruth in a place to receive security and blessing after enduring much heartache and pain.
We all have the potential to act like Boaz—to kindly serve someone in their time of need. Because of God’s Spirit living in us, we can show kindness and favor to those around us in tough situations. In our walk with Jesus, He will not just do something to us, but something with us. This is the reflection of Christ in us that we get as we step into a community with other people. Community is about doing life with people, not just doing something for or to people. We must get out of this transactional mindset and into a relational mindset. Community is not about what I can do for them and what they can do for me. God has called us to love one another—it is in that relationship God conforms us more into the image of His Son, and He positions us in places to help others.
The apostle Paul reminds us, “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us work for the good of all, especially those who belong to the household of faith” (Galatians 6:9–10). God will position us in some of the most unlikely places to help some of the most unlikely people, but we must act on what He is prompting us to do.
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