Day 42

Palm Sunday

from the reading plan

Luke 19:28-44, Psalm 118:25-29, Zechariah 9:9

Scripture Reading: Luke 19:28-44, Psalm 118:25-29, Zechariah 9:9

I love watching movies or TV shows with epic twists that seem to come out of nowhere. For instance, Lost is my favorite show of all time. Whatever one thinks of the TV show Lost, it’s hard to deny that any TV show had as many cliff-hanger moments and twists as that one.

Preceding any great twist in fiction work is usually a bit of foreshadowing that leads you to think that maybe the way things are isn’t the way they will always be. These bits of narrative style are usually appreciated even more once the story arc is understood. 

One of the most dramatic pieces of foreshadowing in the history of literature doesn’t come in a work of fiction, but in Scripture’s account of Christ’s entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

After commandeering a colt for Jesus to ride into Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, Jesus and His disciples made their way into town. As the group approached Jerusalem, Scripture paints a picture of the scene in Luke 19:37–38. 

The crowd quotes Psalm 118:26, recognizing the pilgrimage that Jesus was making into Jerusalem. Psalm 118 was used throughout Israel’s history as people made their journey to Jerusalem, but the crowd of disciples here inserted “the King” into the verse. The crowd recognized that this man on the colt was no ordinary pilgrim on His way into Jerusalem. The King Himself had come.

The foreshadowing comes with the Pharisees’ response to the proclamation of the crowd. They said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples” (Luke 19:39). To which Jesus responds, “I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out” (v.40). The King has come, riding on a humble colt, hearing the praises of the crowds on His way into town. But the opposition takes notice, and they intend to put a stop to what they see as blasphemous idolatry. 

Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a colt that day knowing that His stay in Jerusalem would not end in a typical, celebratory coronation ceremony to inaugurate an immediate earthly rule of the Jewish people in Jerusalem. He knew what was coming, even if His disciples didn’t. The foreshadowing praise of His followers and criticism of His enemies was no surprise to Him. Jesus knew He was coming to give Himself for the world. 

This is our King. Glory in the highest heaven! 

Written by Chris Martin

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