Welcome to He Reads Truth
He Reads Truth is a worldwide community of men committed to reading the Bible together every day. The best part? The community is always open. We would love for you to join us! At He Reads Truth, we create and release 12 Bible reading plans each year that keep us in the Word daily.
4 Ways to Engage with He Reads Truth

Grab a Men's Reading Guide
He Reads Truth Reading Guides feature the full Scripture text for each Bible reading plan and are thoughtfully designed to invite you deeper into God’s Word. Each reading guide includes a two- to eight-week Scripture reading plan, printed right there in the book, along with theological extras and space for notes and reflection. Study in sync with the current He Reads Truth community reading plan, or work through a study at your own pace. Reading guides can be found in our online shop.
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Download the He Reads Truth App
The He Reads Truth Bible + Devotional app is a functional, accessible Bible-reading tool created to help men from around the world to connect with God’s Word and each other, anytime and anywhere. Interact with other men in the community on each day’s Scripture text and devotional content. Supplemental tools include Bible book introductions, customizable reminder notifications, lock screens, and more—every tool in the He Reads Truth app is designed to expand your understanding and affection for God's Word.
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Read with us on HeReadsTruth.com
If reading on your phone isn’t your preference, HeReadsTruth.com features the same reading plan content (Scripture text + devotional content) as the app, and it’s completely free! All the same content and community.
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Subscribe to Receive Daily Emails
Sign up and receive the daily devotional content delivered straight to your inbox each morning. This is a community favorite for Hes who like to read the Scripture text using a Legacy Book or their Bible. Read and meditate on the day’s Scripture reading, then pull up the devotional content that’s waiting in your inbox.
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