Day 4

God With Us

from the reading plan

Isaiah 7:13-17, Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew 28:19-20, John 1:10-18, Revelation 21:3

In this Names of God reading plan, we are learning more about God by studying the names given to Him in Scripture. Rather than having our writers share their own reflections on these passages, we’ve instead provided research-rich content to aid in your study of each day’s featured name of God, including the background of the name(s), a brief explanation of the character of God emphasized by the name(s), and a reflection question to help you dig deeper into the text.


God With Us

Immanuel (Hebrew), Immanuel (Greek)


The name Immanuel, or “God is with us,” appears in the book of Isaiah in key prophecies predicting the coming of the Messiah. The name carries a sense of nearness, including intimate knowledge of the needs, struggles, and hopes of humanity. When Isaiah prophesies about the virgin birth, he says that her child will be called Immanuel. This is not a proper name as much as it is a description of what the Messiah would be like.

In Matthew, an angel tells Joseph to name the child Jesus, because “He will save His people from their sins” (Mt 1:23). This name describes what Immanuel would do. Together, the names Immanuel and Jesus mean “God will be with His people and He will save them from their sins.” God saves His people and is close to them.


God’s nearness to and presence with His people


What does this name teach me about God?

Post Comments (10)

10 thoughts on "God With Us"

  1. Joshua H. says:

    Immanuel is a reminder of God’s presence is always with us. Easy to remember, hard to believe sometimes.

  2. Tim Bowditch says:

    Gods intention is to be close to us. Sin has separated us but God still draws near to us.

  3. Greg says:

    This name rings too true for me. God has always been with me, even when I barely knew him back in my old relationship. I questioned him and why he’d let me suffer that way. But through all of that, even my slight at him, God has always been by me. He walked me through that season so I can be in this wonderous season now. He’s with us through good and bad. He wants us to always know we are never alone, even in the depths of our darkest despair, he is with us. He wants to lead us from the bad seasons into the good, armed with new knowledge and experiences to prepare us.

  4. Ryan Orndorff says:

    God with us tells me that our God is always with us. Literally. Through all of our life experiences he is there to comfort, love, protect, etc.

  5. Clark Eggen says:

    I wish I could be given a sign like Joseph. Almost being 30 years old and single sucks. I wish Emmanuel would give me a sign on things to come.

  6. Patrick says:

    Although I am not educated on all world religions, I cannot think of any other where God chose to dwell with His creation as a human. The term condescension is so appropriate in that context because it is such a lowly thing to become for a god. Moreover, I cannot think of many gods who, in recognizing and even revealing humanity’s greatest shame and pain and barrier to true happiness, ended up accomplishing their salvation on their behalf. Most left some form of religion in order that people would just work it out on their own, while the god, who maybe possessed knowledge of humanity’s weakness and hardship, was not acquainted with it. Instead, our God sets himself apart because He is both intimately aware of and acquainted with our pain and He has saved us from it. I am so thankful to know that God understands me and knows my pain and steadfastly loves me.

  7. Kevin says:

    Day 4: Immanuel. God with us. He is close to us! Imagine before God comes, believing in him and not knowing what he’d be like, but already believing he is there with you. Woah. I think this is a great reminder that our God is not far off at all. He is with us today and tomorrow. Lean in to him. ⚒

  8. Will says:

    I am truly deeply humbled by the fact that God, creator of the universe, chose to come to earth to be near ME and to save ME from MY sins. He has made ME one of his holy people because of what HE did through Jesus! The fact that ‘Immanuel’ and ‘Jesus’ sums up the Gospel in two names, describing God, is just another amazing way God weaves his story for us to see!!

  9. Nathan Neighbors says:

    God With Us (Immanuel)
    Have you ever had a day when you skipped taking time with the Lord? Yesterday I missed my time in the Word and with the Father. (I know, you’re thinking…how does a pastor miss time with God – isn’t that all they do?) Pastors miss the mark often. I do.

    Yesterday, just as I was getting back from school drop offs, sitting down with my coffee and opening the Word to begin my sabbath day I received a phone call that change the trajectory of my day and the day of my family. We received disturbing news that was heart breaking. A sudden reminder of the forces of evil all around us. The dawn after Halloween – our family is hit with attacks from the Evil One.

    So, this morning as I tried beginning again in my quiet time with the Lord – I opened up my Bible and Quiet Time App to catch up. I’m currently going through a series called “Names of God” on the He Reads Truth app. Yesterday I was supposed to have read Day 4: GOD WITH US. These are the scriptures that I was supposed to read yesterday:

    Isaiah 7:13-17
    Matthew 1:18-25
    Matthew 28:19-20
    John 1:10-18
    Revelation 21:3

    As I read each of them – I knew immediately the presence of the Holy Spirit. Where was the Lord yesterday?

    WITH US.

    He went before us and prepared us, and He will come behind us…all the while – fighting on our behalf. Though I missed my “quiet time” yesterday, the Lord did not.


    It’s not just something we claim at Christmas.


    He is with you and me EVERY day. Even when we don’t carve out time for Him – He is there! Take time to be with Him today. There are spiritual forces at work all around us…forces that seek to kill and destroy our children, our families and our churches. Take up the full armor of God – and know…GOD IS WITH US.

  10. Ryan Miller says:

    If one of the main characteristics of Jesus is nearness to His people, then why is the pursuit of an intimate relationship with often the last thing on my mind. Why am I more concerned with knowing facts about him and checking boxes on a prayer sheet than I am about actually knowing Him? I’m dissatisfied with this pursuit and need to change my process.

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